
Nice to meet everyone, this is a new guy speaking.

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一只大魔王 发表于 2022-7-25 22:45:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
来到FSCenter的方式: search
使用的模拟飞行软件种类: XP FSX ECT.
对这里的第一意见看法: WELL
Hello, everyone, this is a new guy speak.My name is Mo Wang come from China southern.
I came here just by search ,yes search.When I search How can i improve my flight english? then it gave me the net:FSC center。
I used to drive a Cessna172 or a DA-42NG fly in the sky but it must be different from flight by internet.So I am probably like a country people here.Study fly just like you studying otherthing.You should practicing, hearing speaking learning and driving Again, again and again .Touch the thing that you're learning will make more effects.
If i can make some friends ,practice my english, improve my flight skills Or something other.It must be a great experience.
hope so.
I am glad to meet everyone here.


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