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PMDG Operations Center的默认位置在:
C:\Program Files (x86)\PMDG Operations Center
Win10用户基本上PMDG安装的时候并不会像Win7那样把PMDG OC放在开始菜单列表里,这让我们找起来很麻烦。
只需要把上面那个目录中的PMDG Operations Center.exe搞一个快捷方式,快捷方式文件名改成PMDG Operations Center(看着舒服),放到开始菜单目录下:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
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[P3Dv4]PMDG - 波音
[P3DV4] PMDG - 波
洛克希德马丁 Prepa
SamScene3D – ZULS
SamScene3D – ZJSY
Catch Star Simulat
[P3Dv4]PMDG - 波音 B
[P3Dv4]PMDG - 波音 7
Archiver|小黑屋|站点地图1|站点地图2|FSCenter模拟飞行中心 ( 晋ICP备20001174号-2 )
JS of wanmeiff.com and vcpic.com Please keep this copyright information, respect of, thank you!JS of wanmeiff.com and vcpic.com Please keep this copyright information, respect of, thank you!
GMT+8, 2024-12-22 14:54
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