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xuezhe8973 发表于 2018-10-1 12:53:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  民航资源网2018年9月30日消息:据Aviation Herald报道,9月18日,阿拉伯航空一架空客A320-200飞机(注册号A6-ANV),在执行阿联酋沙迦-阿曼塞拉莱的G9-111航班时,飞机滑行准备从沙迦机场的30号跑道离场。




An Air Arabia Airbus A320-200, registration A6-ANV performing flight G9-111 from Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) to Salalah (Oman), was taxiing for departure from Sharjah's runway 30, the aircraft entered the runway for an intersection departure from taxiway B14 and turned into direction runway 12 (opposite to intended direction), takeoff distance available from B14 on runway 12 was 1020 meters/3350 feet instead of 3010 meters/9900 feet in direction of runway 30, including the paved runway end safety area a paved surface of 1150 meters/3760 feet was available in direction of runway 12. The crew commenced takeoff from intersection B14 along direction runway 12, managed to become airborne in time to avoid any obstacles, climbed out to safety and continued to Salalah for a landing without further incident.

On Sep 19th 2018 Air Arabia instructed their pilots that all intersection departures were banned with immediate effect after one of their flights took off from an intersection in the wrong direction. The airline further re-iterates that ATC in Sharjah might clear flights to taxi to the runway full length via taxiway B rather than taxiway A, great attention to ATC instructions is needed.

Both pilots have been suspended pending the investigation.

Excerpt of Aerodrome Chart valid Sep 13th 2018 (Graphics: AIP United Arab Emirates):

身游银阙珠宫 俯瞰积气濛濛
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