注:原文发布自avsim,时间为2017年1月30日0447 AM
以下为机翻: 机长,
本周我们将发布新的PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II FSX,FSX蒸汽版和PREPAR3D V3 X!
包括: - 747-400,747-400bcf,747-400d,747-400er,747-400erf,747-400F,747-400m, 62制服(如今晚仍在增长)可立即下载通过PMDG操作中心。 漆盒可从我们的网站上发布的一天。 软件开发工具包为那些希望开发产品与747相互作用。
事情的发展团队,我想你会喜欢的: -为每个可用的引擎类型的独特性能模型。 有些飞机有多个发动机类型选择。 为所有类型的发动机舱控制准确。 为所有类型的发动机精确的驾驶舱显示器。 精确模拟所有发动机起动过程包括总管压力和阀操作。 -液压或气动式反推力发动机运行的准确应用。 高压吹出的主甲板上的货舱门门以及前后货舱门和2端口下方和门2l前进 上下甲板货物集装箱以及主甲板(货船),出现适当的 动态表达主轮卡车,每个独立的动画,与地面的独立作用。 体齿轮车是免费的铰链,将自由摆动的重量是在起飞时删除。 -改进的外部光飞溅效果 精确着陆灯亮/暗动画基于齿轮手柄位置。 - 3D非常详细的外观模型领先的设备驱动器和瓣机制的工作,像真正的飞机。 -风车发动机风扇将同时停在坡道上微风轻拂的日子。 发动机挂架,抖动剧烈动荡。 - APU和发动机排气“流出”的影响。 -非常详细的外观完美的模型与拨规格和凹凸贴图,可以看到皮肤缺陷,桁条和添加门等周围应力板 可变的天线配置 可操作的急救灯沿翼/保险丝整流罩。 - 400er / ERF的建模与改进,重量,起落架组件和更大的轮胎, 基于“压力- 400er驱动的辅助燃料箱。 - 400D有明显限制操作权保护机体的生命周期。 稳定剂油箱可选,除了机身的地方是不提供,或机身的地方是不可选。 众多可选配置为燃油系统允许早期的燃油系统设计仿真,一直到最近的要求设计/操作变化。 许多新的驾驶舱和地面人员之间的相互作用,帮助你管理出发前的过程。 精确加油在地面操作(实时加油。) 基于飞机机翼蒙皮传热特性的准确的燃油温度 精确的燃油密度/温度影响实时加油时。(包括在低密度水平。事件数量限制) 燃料密度在加油过程中根据实际的全球/区域变化的燃料密度。 燃料密度在加油调整预期的燃料温度在加油。 精确的燃油密度/温度混合燃料之间移动坦克在操作和加油。 -系统2和系统3需求泵可选电源。(气动或电动) 如果你选择dem2和dem3气动,你会看到在# 2 / # 3发动机挂架排气百叶窗 -液压泵流量的准确建模(根据泵的类型和电源) -液压压力/温度关系的精确建模。 通过系统的流体动力学的精确建模,包括泄密的可能,立管和液压过热保护。 -完全仿照电气系统与众多的备用电源,选择电池配置,更。 -电力传输的不间断电源和打破权力逻辑的精确模拟。 -所有的交流和直流配电和控制系统的精确仿真。 -在所有的PMDG产品,每一件设备泵阀门控制器到灯泡和开关正确连接到所有的交流和直流电源。 它可能有交流供电设备变得不可控因直流在面板上的电源故障。(你应该知道是什么样子的?嗯) -准确的火灾探测系统的所有类型的飞机模型。 多火灾探测/灭火系统的制造商和用户可选择模型。 -准确地模拟试验方法灭火 基于物理模拟火灾消防模拟。实时故障运行时,一些火灾可能不会熄灭或闪回到生活在热/保护空间的氧气水平抑制/下降后恢复正常。 主甲板货物火灾可能蔓延/不可控制。 模拟控制的有效性,减少各种液压系统损失。 -滚动/偏航失衡模拟如果各种飞行控制失败的飞行。 为所有类型的身体准确的飞行模型。 精确LNAV,VNAV和自动飞行模式。 FMS系统的正确操作,包括性能降低由于故障。 极性操作 惯性位置漂移 精确操作起落架位置检测。 -交替起落架系统的精确操作,包括电气和液压过程直至并包括齿轮门操作 -起落架自由落体(以及由此产生的门影响)在备用模式。 -所有外部门的正确操作,包括鼻/主甲板货舱门电源。(这将旅行的一些人,mark m的话!) -餐饮、加油、地面处理、厕所服务、维修、客舱服务和货物的装载机都反应在现实交通地面操作同步服务在飞机地面转弯时。 -交替EFIS源选项 -启动APU电源选项 大量的自动刹车开关可选择位置 基于发动机制造商多启动选项。 可选的系统# 1辅助液压泵 可选的驾驶舱的厕所 电气或液压机械清除泵操作 可选择显示在CRT或LCD格式。 对CRT显示器的类型和不同色彩的准确再现,也准确的颜色显示格式。(他们是不同的!) 精确的表面玻璃/投影面模型对CRT和LCD显示器。(CRT曲面投影面…) - EEC维护选项 -该面板中的选项 多燃料面板布局取决于安装的设备 可选的对讲机 可选的模拟或数字自动驾驶模式控制面板 跳动的数字准确模拟模式控制面板。 可选集成待机显示或模拟交替。 各种机翼/短舱防冰系统选项可选冰检测系统 -各种无线电选项 可选数据 可选的滑行灯 多窗口框架样式 可选轭清单和计数装置 航班具体涉及整个驾驶舱 随机“杂波”(桶放置throughout the座舱,笔,等) numerous座舱的动画。 定制的反射表面,如Windows,CRT和LCD的表面 在驾驶舱挡风玻璃分层随机效应。
完全自定义的发声模型,使我们能够提高驾驶舱声音经验准确的比赛,你会如果你在飞行中坐在一个747-400飞行甲板有。这包括风机噪声、气流的准确实施,座舱环境声音,发动机声音衰减的速度和/或高度,振动,振动和其他环境声音你体验飞行操作期间。 完全自定义的声音锥和投影模型创建使用电影工作室质量工程设备和软件复制的内部和外部的发动机声音所有类型的发动机,实现包括多个低音层,无缝融合,定制的音盆拼接消除畸变和再现各引擎类型独特的声音。 -低音炮使用的重要支撑。 -我们没有提到一个完全定制的声音引擎和增强的内存管理,使我们能够提供一个令人难以置信的功能丰富的声音环境不影响评分。
在这个产品,我们也引入了一个新的,完全定制的物理模型,成为风靡整个仿真: 现实地接口的飞机轮胎表面与地面之间。 -飞机轮胎与地面之间准确的滚动阻力模型。(之间的表面类型变化迫在眉睫,也对!) -自动刹车和手刹使用准确的热能量转移模型,包括热浸制动/轮胎/起落架元素。 -冷却准确的热能量传递模型 基于准确的刚性机翼弯曲模型,刚度和747-400飞机的机翼结构振动模型。 -精确的推力和能源的所有类型的发动机模型仿真。 精确的混合气的压力和温度从发动机引自来水舱外流阀,包括热变化和加压。 基于速度的精确控制效果,攻击的角度,控制操作和挠度。 停车制动,堵塞的位置和增加轧制基于物理轮胎丢失后。 发动机吊架振动基于湍流引起的加速度的时刻,翼运动和发动机部件的转动惯量。 座舱视角摇根据飞机与世界的物理相互作用,包括出租车地滚,起飞,降落,通过机身,湍流传输发动机振动过大,失速条件扰乱气流速度的自助餐,高减速板使用,过度的G力,和更多。 -之间的热传递流体(燃料混合,液压回藏,等) 在排气系统通过换热器传热,燃料和液压系统。 基于热的热交换通过机翼表面的燃料温度的精确建模,利用太阳辐射加热,等。 -机舱温度基于完整的气流模型的精确建模。 舱内温度根据电气设备的操作模型,内部照明操作、辅助热源(脚/肩/挡风玻璃用气)船上的乘客和他们的相对分布整个机舱的数量,地区如Windows和暴露于直接或间接的阳光太阳能采暖,机舱门的状态。
这只是一小部分,给PMDG 747-400空中女王的事II真实周围惊人的水平。
以下为原文: Captains,
Welcome to Release Week for the PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II for FSX, FSX-Steam Edition and Prepar3D v3.x!
As of this morning, we are still on track to our planned release date- and we have only a few small detail items to take care of before we push her out of the hangar for you to fly!
I have been promising to give you a quick rundown on some stuff that you might find interesting about this incredible new product, and late last night I sent an email out to the team asking for their help in collecting the various features and details that spring to their minds as "stuff that will interest you!"
We all agreed that this list is very short compared to what we have packed into this product, but it will serve as a reasonably good preview to give you an idea just how packed full of detail this product is! (This list isn't even close to being all-inclusive...by the way... if you like detail - this product is going to blow your mind.)
Included: - 747-400, 747-400BCF, 747-400D, 747-400ER, 747-400ERF, 747-400F, 747-400M, - 62 liveries (as of tonight..still growing) available for immediate download via the PMDG Operations Center. - Paint Kit available from our site on release day. - Software Developers Kit for those who wish to develop products to interact with the 747.
Things the Development Team Thought You'd Like to Know: - Unique performance models for each available engine type. - Some airframes have multiple engine types to choose from. - Accurate cockpit controls for all engine types. - Accurate cockpit displays for all engine types. - Accurate simulation of all engine start processes including duct pressures and valve operation. - Accurate application of hydraulic or pneumatic operation of thrust reverse by engine type. - Pressure blow out doors on Main Deck Cargo Door as well as forward and aft cargo doors and 2 ports just below and forward of door 2L - Cargo containers on lower deck as well as main deck (on freighters) that appear appropriately - Dynamic articulating main gear trucks, each independently animated, with independent interaction with the ground. - Body gear truck is free-hinged and will swing freely when weight is removed during takeoff. - Improved exterior light splash effects - Accurate landing light bright/dim animation based upon gear handle position. - Highly detailed exterior model with 3D modeled Leading Edge Device actuators and flap mechanisms that work like the real aircraft. - Windmilling engine fans that will turn while parked on the ramp on a breezy day. - Engine pylons that shake in severe turbulence. - APU and Engine exhaust "efflux" effects. - highly detailed exterior model with perfectly dialed in spec and bump maps, can see skin imperfections, stringers and added stress plates around the doors etc. - changeable antenna configurations - operable emergency lights along wing/fuse fairing. - 400ER/ERF modeled with improved, heavy weight landing gear assembly and larger tires, - 400ER fitted with pressure operated aux fuel tank. - 400D has significantly restricted operating weights to preserve airframe cycle life. - Stabilizer fuel tank optional, except on airframes where it is not offered, or on airframes where it is not optional. - Numerous optional configurations for the fuel system to allow simulation of the early fuel system design, all the way up to the most recent required design/operational changes. - Numerous new interactions between cockpit and ground crew, to help you manage the pre-departure process. - Accurate refueling during Ground Operations (real-time refueling.) - Accurate fuel temperature based upon aircraft wing skin heat transfer characteristics - Accurate fuel density/temperature effects during real time refueling. (including volume limitations in the event of low density levels.) - Fuel density during refueling based upon actual global/regional variations in fuel density. - Fuel density during refueling adjusted for expected fuel temperature during fueling. - Accurate fuel density/temperature mixing as fuel moves between tanks during operation and refueling. - Optional power source for System 2 and System 3 Demand Pumps. (Pneumatic Air or Electrically driven) - If you choose pneumatic power for DEM2 and DEM3, you will see the exhaust louvers on the #2/#3 engine pylons - Accurate modeling of hydraulic pump flow rates (Based on pump type and power source) - Accurate modeling of hydraulic pressure/temperature relationship. - Accurate modeling of fluid flow dynamics through system, including the potential for leaks, standpipe protections and hydraulic overheat. - Fully modeled electrical system with numerous options for standby power, battery configuration, and more. - accurate simulation of no-break-power and break-power logic for power transfers. - accurate simulation of all AC and DC power distribution systems and controls. - As in all PMDG products, every piece of equipment from pumps to valve controllers right down to light bulbs and switches is correctly connected to all AC and DC power sources. - It is possible to have AC powered equipment become uncontrollable due to DC power faults in panel . (Will you know what that looks like? hmmm) - Accurate fire detection systems modeled for all aircraft types. - multiple fire detection/suppression system manufacturers modeled and user selectable. - accurately modeled test methods for fire suppression - physics based fire simulation for all simulated fires. When operating with real time failures, some fires may not be extinguished or may flash back to life in hot/protected spaces as oxygen levels return to normal after suppression/descent. - Main deck cargo fires may spread/may not be controlled. - simulation of reduced control effectiveness with loss of various hydraulic systems. - simulation of roll/yaw imbalances if various flight controls fail in flight. - Accurate flight models for all body types. - Accurate LNAV, VNAV and autoflight modes. - Accurate operation of FMS systems, including degraded performance due to failures. - Polar operations - Inertial position drift - accurate operation of landing gear and position detection. - accurate operation of alternate landing gear systems, including electrical and hydraulic processes up-to-and-including gear door operation - Free fall of landing gear (and the resulting door impact) in alternate mode. - correct operation of all external doors, including power sources for nose/main deck cargo doors. (this will trip some folks up, mark m words!) - Catering, fueling, ground handling, lavatory services, maintenance, cabin service and cargo loaders all respond in sync with Ground Operations for realistic traffic and servicing around the airplane during ground turns. - Alternate EFIS source option - APU start source power option - numerous selectable locations for the Autobrake switch - Multiple Autostart options based upon engine manufacturer. - Optional System #1 Auxiliary hydraulic pump - Optional cockpit lavatory - Electrical or hydro-mechanical scavenge pump operation - Selectable displays in CRT or LCD format. - Accurate color representation on CRT display type and separate, also accurate color representation on LCD format. (They are different!) - Accurate surface glass/projection surface model for both CRT and LCD displays. (CRTs are a curved projection surface...) - EEC Maintenance Options - EVAC panel options - Multiple Fuel panel layouts depending upon installed equipment - Optional Interphone - Optional analog or digital autopilot mode control panel - accurate bouncing digits on analog mode control panel. - Optional Integrated Standby display or analog alternates. - Various wing/nacelle anti-ice system options with optional ice detection systems - Various radio options - Optional RMIs - Optional Taxi Lights - Multiple window frame styles - Optional yoke checklists and counting devices - airline specific touches throughout the cockpit - random "clutter" placement throughout the cockpit (cans, pens, etc) - Numerous cockpit animations - Customized reflective surfaces such as windows, crt and lcd surfaces - random delamination artifacts in the cockpit windscreens.
A few new, big items we are bringing you as well:
- Fully customized sound production model that allows us to enhance the cockpit sound experience to accurately match that you would have if you were sitting on the flight deck of a 747-400 in flight. This includes accurate implementation of fan noise, slipstream, cockpit environmental sounds, engine sound fading with speed and/or altitude, shaking, vibration and other environmental sounds you experience during the operation of the flight. - Fully customized sound cones and projection models created using movie studio quality engineering equipment and software to reproduce the internal and external engine sounds for all engine types.This implementation includes multiple bass layers, seamless blending, customized sound cone stitching to eliminate distortion and reproduce the unique sound signature of each engine type. - Significant support for sub-woofer use. - Did we mention a fully customized sound engine with enhanced memory management to that allows us to provide an incredibly feature rich sound environment without negatively impacting VAS.
In this product, we are also introducing a new, fully customized physics model that becomes pervasive throughout the simulation: - Realistic ground interface between the surface of the airplane tires and the ground surface. - Accurate rolling resistance model between the aircraft tires and the ground surface. (variation between surface types is right around the corner, too!) - accurate thermal energy transfer model for autobrake and manual brake use, including thermal soaking of brake/tire/landing gear elements. - accurate thermal energy transfer model for cooling - wing flex model based upon accurate rigidity, stiffness and oscillation model of the 747-400 wing structure. - accurate thrust and energy model simulation for all engine types. - accurate mixing and blending of air temperatures and pressures from engine bleed tap to cabin outflow valve, including thermal changes and pressurization. - accurate control effectiveness based upon airspeed, angle of attack, control operation and deflection. - parking brake, chocking position and increased rolling after tire loss based upon physics. - engine pylon shaking based upon turbulence induced acceleration moment, wing motion and rotational inertia of engine components. - cockpit viewpoint shaking based upon the airplane's physical interaction with the world, including taxi ground roll, takeoff, touch down, engine excessive vibration transmitted through the airframe, turbulence, stall conditions disrupting airflow, high speed buffet, speedbrake use, excessive G force, and more. - transfer of heat between fluids (fuel mixing, hydraulic fluid returning to reservoirs, etc.) - transfer of heat through heat exchangers in the bleed system, fuel and hydraulic systems. - accurate modeling of fuel temperature based upon the thermal exchange of heat through the wing surface, radiant heating by the sun, etc. - accurate modeling of cabin temperatures based upon a complete airflow model. - cabin temperature modeling based upon electrical equipment operation, internal lighting operation, supplementary heating sources (foot/shoulder/windshield air use) the number of passengers onboard and their relative distribution throughout the cabin, solar heating of areas such as windows and exposure to direct or indirect sunlight, the state of cabin doors.
Okay... that list barely scratches the surface, if you can believe it...
There is a TON of stuff, options and details that you will discover as you explore and use the airplane, including pages and pages of options to allow you to customize the cockpit to match your favorite options or airline configuration. We are also providing a bunch of "verified" cockpit configurations for various airlines and airframes that will allow you to fly a specific airplane from a specific line, with the correct cockpit options selected.
The are just a few of the things that give the PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II an incredible level of authenticity all around.
All of this, and a ton of VAS management to keep you flying and enjoying the simulation.
We are incredibly proud of this product and we think it stands as an incredible achievement for the community to enjoy. We are very close to rolling her out of the hangar you- so don't wander too far off!